Thin Record

Thin Record

What Is a Thin File? A “thin file” refers to the credit report of someone with little or no credit history. Consumers who are just starting out and may never have taken out a loan or had a credit card are said to have thin files. Key Takeaways A person with little or no credit

Third Market Definition

Third Market Definition

What Is the Third Market? A third market consists of trading conducted by non-exchange member broker-dealers and institutional investors of exchange-listed stocks. In other words, the third market involves exchange-listed securities that are being traded over-the-counter between broker-dealers and large institutional investors. The term “over-the-counter” typically refers to the trading of securities that are not listed

Third-Birthday celebration Distributor Definition

Third-Birthday celebration Distributor Definition

What Is a Third-Party Distributor? A third-party distributor is an institution that sells or distributes mutual funds to investors for fund management companies. These entities generally have no direct relation to the fund itself. Partnerships between mutual fund companies and third-party distributors often come with various fees and provisions. Since they are independent of fund management companies