Russell 2500 Index Definition

Russell 2500 Index Definition

What Is the Russell 2500 Index? The Russell 2500 is a market-cap-weighted index that includes the smallest 2,500 companies covered in the broad-based Russell 3000 sphere of United States-based listed equities. All 2,500 of the companies included in the Index cover the small- and mid-cap market capitalizations. Key Takeaways The Russell 2500 Index is a

Russell 3000 Growth Index

Russell 3000 Growth Index

What Is the Russell 3000 Growth Index? The Russell 3000 Growth Index is a market capitalization-weighted index based on the Russell 3000 index. The Russell 3000 Growth Index includes companies that display signs of above-average growth. The index is used to provide a gauge of the performance of growth stocks in the United States. Key

Russell 3000 Price Index

Russell 3000 Price Index

What Is the Russell 3000 Value Index? Russell 3000 Value Index is a market-capitalization weighted equity index maintained by the Russell Investment Group and based on the Russell 3000 Index, which measures how U.S. stocks in the equity value segment perform by including only value stocks. Included in the Russell 3000 Value Index are stocks

Russell Microcap Index

Russell Microcap Index

What Is the Russell Microcap Index? The Russell Microcap Index consists of the smallest 1,000 securities in the small-cap Russell 2000 Index, plus the next 1,000 smallest eligible securities based on a combination of their market capitalization and current index membership weight. The broad index is designed to present an unbiased collection of the smallest

Rust Bowl Definition

Rust Bowl Definition

What Is the Rust Bowl? “Rust Bowl” is another name for Rust Belt, a geographic region that was formerly a manufacturing or industrial powerhouse but is now in deep, seemingly irreversible decline. While a rust bowl can occur anywhere globally, it is most commonly used to refer to the U.S. Northeast and Midwest, which were