Retract Definition

Retract Definition

What Is a Retract? To retract means to withdraw a bid, offer, or statement before any relevant party acts on the information provided. For example, it’s common practice in real estate transactions to provide a deposit showing the buyer’s intention to complete the transaction. This deposit is sometimes referred to as earnest money. If the buyer

Retractable Bond Definition

Retractable Bond Definition

What is Retractable Bond? Retractable bond, also known as variable-rate demand note, is a debt security that features a put option which allows the holder to force the issuer to redeem the bond before maturity at its face value. Key Takeaways Retractable bond, also known as variable-rate demand note, is a debt security that features

Retrocession: Definition, Varieties, Example, Criticisms

Retrocession: Definition, Varieties, Example, Criticisms

What Is Retrocession? Retrocession refers to kickbacks, trailer fees or finders fees that asset managers pay to advisers or distributors. These payments are often done discreetly and are not disclosed to clients, although they use client funds to pay the fees. Retrocession commission is a heavily criticized fee-sharing arrangement in the financial industry because money flows

What Is a Reserve International cash? U.S. Buck’s Place and History

What Is a Reserve International cash? U.S. Buck’s Place and History

What Is a Reserve Currency? A reserve currency is a large quantity of currency maintained by central banks and other major financial institutions to prepare for investments, transactions, and international debt obligations, or to influence their domestic exchange rate. A large percentage of commodities, such as gold and oil, are priced in the reserve currency, causing other

Reset Date Definition

Reset Date Definition

What Is a Reset Date?  A reset date is a point in time when the initial fixed interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) changes to an adjustable rate. This date is commonly one to five years from the start date of the mortgage. After the initial reset date, the interest rate becomes variable and

Reset Margin Definition

Reset Margin Definition

What Is the Reset Margin? The reset margin is the difference between the actual interest rate of a loan or debt security and the index upon which its interest rate is based. The reset margin will always be positive, as it is added to the underlying index or reference rate. For instance, the reset margin

Reset Charge Definition

Reset Charge Definition

What Is a Reset Rate? A reset rate is the new interest rate that a borrower must pay on the principal of a variable interest rate loan when a scheduled reset date occurs. The lender will provide details on a loan’s reset terms and interest rate calculations in the borrower’s credit agreement. Key Takeaways A