Repatriable Definition

Repatriable Definition

What Does Repatriable Mean? Repatriable refers to the ability to move liquid financial assets from a foreign country to an investor’s country of origin. Key Takeaways Repatriable refers to the ability to move liquid financial assets from a foreign country to an investor’s country of origin.The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Bank

Exchange Chain Means Definition

Exchange Chain Means Definition

What Is the Replacement Chain Method? The replacement chain method is a capital budgeting decision model that compares two or more mutually exclusive capital proposals with unequal lives. The replacement chain method takes into consideration the different life spans of alternative plans, as well as their expected cash flows. That makes it easier to compare

Change Assets Definition

Change Assets Definition

What Is a Replacement Property? Replacement property is any property that is received in place of property that has been destroyed, lost, or stolen. Replacement property can be personal or business property and can include various types of assets, such as real estate, equipment, and vehicles. Replacement property is often insured by a casualty-insurance carrier.