Law Y Definition

Law Y Definition

What Is Regulation Y? Regulation Y is a Federal Reserve action that regulates corporate bank holding company practices as well as certain practices of state-member banks. Practices or issues that fall under Regulation Y governance include the establishment of minimum capital reserves (ratio of reserves to assets) for bank holding companies, certain bank holding company transactions

Repayment Plan

Repayment Plan

What Is a Reimbursement Plan? A generic term for several types of plans that reimburse employees for various types of work-related expenses. These expenses can include medical, auto, travel, meal, and entertainment costs. Reimbursement plans are instituted by employers in order to allow them to pay for a more accurate amount of employee expenses incurred

Definition and How It Works with Insurance plans

Definition and How It Works with Insurance plans

What Is Reinstatement? Reinstatement is the restoration of a person or thing to a former position. Regarding insurance, reinstatement allows a previously terminated policy to resume effective coverage. In the case of nonpayment, the insurer may require evidence of eligibility, such as an updated medical examination for life insurance, and full payment of outstanding premiums.

Reinstatement Clause in Insurance plans: That implies and Examples

Reinstatement Clause in Insurance plans: That implies and Examples

What Is a Reinstatement Clause? A reinstatement clause is an insurance policy clause that states when coverage terms are reset after the insured individual or business files a claim due to previous loss or damage. Reinstatement clauses don’t usually reset a policy’s terms, but they do allow the policy to restart coverage for future claims. Key