Reference Entity Definition

Reference Entity Definition

What Is Reference Entity? A reference entity is the issuer of the debt that underlies a credit derivative. The reference entity is the organization that issued the reference asset (bond or other debt-backed security) that, in turn, is the subject of a credit derivative. The reference entity can be a corporation, government, or other legal

Recessionista Definition

Recessionista Definition

What Is a Recessionista? A recessionista is a person who can shop on a limited budget and still manage to be up-to-date on the most current fashions. In other words, times of economic hardship do not prevent them from remaining stylish. A recessionista does not let a bad economy, a bear market, or high inflation

Recession Proof Definition

Recession Proof Definition

What Is Recession Proof? Recession proof is a term used to describe an asset, company, industry or other entity that is believed to be economically resistant to the effects of a recession. Recession-proof stocks are added to investment portfolios to safeguard them against times of economic decline, which may be the onset of a recession.

Recession Resistant Definition

Recession Resistant Definition

What Does Recession Resistant Mean? An entity that is not significantly affected by recessions is considered recession resistant. Recession resistance can apply to products, companies, jobs, or even entire industries. For example, products such as gasoline or basic food items may be considered recession resistant because people will continue to consume them regardless of an

What it is and How it Works

What it is and How it Works

What Is Recharacterization? Recharacterization refers to two separate individual retirement account (IRA) strategies: A contribution to an IRA can be recharacterized as a contribution to a different IRA. This strategy is currently permissible, and you can recharacterize your Roth IRA contribution into a traditional IRA contribution and vice versa, though specific deadlines apply. A Roth