Terminal Elevator Definition

Terminal Elevator Definition

What Is a Terminal Elevator? A terminal elevator is a location for the bulk physical transfer of agricultural commodities. In commodities trading, physical delivery of a futures contract’s underlying asset will be standardized by an exchange to be received at a particular location, often called a terminal. This is especially the case for grains and

Terminally Unwell

Terminally Unwell

What Is Terminally Ill? Terminally ill is a medical term that refers to a person who has a disease that cannot be cured and that will eventually lead to their death. Typically, a doctor will use a range of days, months, or years to forecast the life expectancy of someone who has a terminal illness.

Terminal Worth (TV) Definition and Methods to Find The Worth (With Formula)

Terminal Worth (TV) Definition and Methods to Find The Worth (With Formula)

What Is Terminal Value (TV)? Terminal value (TV) is the value of an asset, business, or project beyond the forecasted period when future cash flows can be estimated. Terminal value assumes a business will grow at a set growth rate forever after the forecast period. Terminal value often comprises a large percentage of the total

Terminal Year Definition

Terminal Year Definition

What Is Terminal Year? “Terminal year” refers to the year in which an individual dies, in the context of estate planning and taxation. The term terminal year is used in estate planning and taxation because special tax rules and handling of income and assets may apply during the taxpayer’s final year. Key Takeaways “Terminal year”

Teaser Price Definition

Teaser Price Definition

What Is a Teaser Rate? A teaser rate generally refers to an introductory rate charged on a credit product. Credits cards may charge borrowers an introductory rate of 0%. Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are also known for charging a low initial rate that helps entice borrowers. Teaser rates may also serve to increase the marketability

What Is a Tech Bubble?

What Is a Tech Bubble?

Tech bubble refers to a pronounced and unsustainable market rise attributed to increased speculation in technology stocks. Rapid share price growth and high valuations based on standard metrics, such as price/earnings ratio or price/sales, normally characterize a tech bubble. Understanding Tech Bubbles As a general rule of thumb, bubbles form when excess capital, usually at