Spread Betting Definition

Spread Betting Definition

What Is Spread Betting? Spread betting refers to speculating on the direction of a financial market without actually owning the underlying security. It involves placing a bet on the price movement of a security. A spread betting company quotes two prices, the bid and ask price (also called the spread), and investors bet whether the

Spread Indicator

Spread Indicator

What Is a Spread Indicator? A spread indicator is a measure that represents the difference between the bid and ask price of a security, currency, or asset. The spread indicator is typically used in a chart to graphically represent the spread at a glance, and is a popular tool among forex traders. The indicator, displayed

Spreadlock Definition

Spreadlock Definition

What Is a Spreadlock? A spreadlock is a credit derivative contract that establishes a predetermined spread for future interest rate swaps. The two main types of spreadlocks that can be used are forward-based spreadlocks and option-based spreadlocks.  With a spreadlock, an interest rate swap user may lock in a current spread between a swap and

Spread-to-Worst Definition

Spread-to-Worst Definition

What is Spread-To-Worst? Spread-to-worst (STW) measures the dispersion of returns between the best and worst performing security in a given market, usually bond markets, or between returns from different markets. Key Takeaways Spread-to-worst (STW) measures the dispersion of returns between the best and worst performing security in a given market, usually bond markets, or between

Spring Loading Definition

Spring Loading Definition

What Is Spring Loading? Spring loading is an option-granting practice in which options are granted to employees at a time that precedes a positive news event. This is a controversial practice as it allows employees to potentially book instant profits after the news event. It is not illegal but it does bear a resemblance to