Recent Eating Cucumbers: ‘Diva’ and ‘Amira’

Recent Eating Cucumbers: ‘Diva’ and ‘Amira’

Can there actually be two “World’s Best Cucumber”? To decide, taste ‘Diva’ and ‘Amira’ two very tasty slicing cucumbers. ‘Diva’ comes to the competition with all of the fanfare. In 2002, ‘Diva’ became an All-America Selection—which is a sort of growers’ Academy Award for best performing plants. ‘Amira’ has never taken home the All-America Selection

Clearing Charge Definition

Clearing Charge Definition

What Is a Clearing Fee? A clearing fee is a charge assessed on securities transactions by a clearing house for completing transactions using its own facilities. It is most often associated with the trading of futures and includes all actions from the time a commitment is made to the time a transaction is settled. Transaction fees

Clearing House Computerized Expenses Machine (CHAPS) Defined

Clearing House Computerized Expenses Machine (CHAPS) Defined

What Is the Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS)? The Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS) is a company that facilitates large money transfers denominated in British pounds (GBP). CHAPS is administered by the Bank of England (BoE) and is used by 30 participating financial institutions. Over 5,000 additional institutions also engage with the system

Clearstream International Definition

Clearstream International Definition

What Is Clearstream International? Clearstream International is a supplier of post-trading services for the financial markets. Its core businesses are settlement of market transactions and custody of securities. Based in Luxembourg, Clearstream International is owned by Deutsche Börse AG. Clearstream International SA is a Luxembourg-based central securities depository for post-trading services in international markets.The company