China ETF Definition

China ETF Definition

What Is a China ETF? The term China ETF refers to an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in Chinese securities. Like other ETFs, shares are listed and traded on stock exchanges. They tend to be passively managed, which means they mirror the holdings of an underlying index such as the MSCI China Index or the FTSE

Chip-And-PIN Card Definition

Chip-And-PIN Card Definition

What Is a Chip-And-PIN Card? A chip-and-PIN card is a type of credit card in which the cardholder must authorize the transaction by entering their personal identification number (PIN).  Unlike previous cards which utilized a magnetic stripe containing information about the cardholder, chip-and-PIN cards contain a square-shaped microchip that generates and stores unique information for

Charitable Lead Imagine

Charitable Lead Imagine

What Is a Charitable Lead Trust? Trusts can be used in estate planning to pass on a person’s assets smoothly and to the best financial effect. A charitable lead trust is a type of irrevocable trust designed to reduce a beneficiary’s potential transfer taxes upon inheritance. They can be funded with cash and/or other assets