Herbs to Expand in Pots Listed

Herbs to Expand in Pots Listed

Bring herbs growing in containers indoors for winter; just set them in a window with plenty of natural light. Culinary herbs that grow well in containers include basil, chives, cilantro, dill, common fennel, garlic, lemon balm, mint, oregano and marjoram, parsley, rosemary, sage, French tarragon, and thyme. Herbs require well-drained soil, so use a good

Commodity Business Act (CEA) Definition

Commodity Business Act (CEA) Definition

What Is The Commodity Exchange Act (CEA)? The term Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) refers to a law that regulates commodities and futures trading activities. The Act, which passed in 1936, established the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It was designed to prevent and remove obstructions on the interstate commerce in commodities by regulating transactions on commodity

Ceded Reinsurance Leverage

Ceded Reinsurance Leverage

DEFINITION of Ceded Reinsurance Leverage Ceded Reinsurance Leverage is the ratio of ceded insurance balances to policyholders’ surplus. Ceded reinsurance leverage represents the extent to which an insurance company relies on ceding risk to reinsurers. This includes ceded premiums, net balances for unpaid losses and unearned premiums. BREAKING DOWN Ceded Reinsurance Leverage Companies use reinsurance as

Cedent Definition

Cedent Definition

What Is a Cedent? A cedent is a party in an insurance contract who passes the financial obligation for certain potential losses to the insurer. In return for bearing a particular risk of loss, the cedent pays an insurance premium. The term cedent is most often used in the reinsurance industry, although the term could apply to

What Is a Ceding Company?

What Is a Ceding Company?

A ceding company is an insurance company that passes a portion or all of the risk associated with an insurance policy to another insurer. Ceding is helpful to insurance companies since the ceding company that passes the risk can hedge against undesired exposure to losses. Ceding also helps the ceding company to free up capital to use