What They Do vs. Other Chief Roles

What They Do vs. Other Chief Roles

What Is a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)? A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company. Broadly speaking, a chief executive officer’s primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate

Certain and Secure Definition

Certain and Secure Definition

What Is Certain and Continuous? Certain and continuous refers to a type of annuity that guarantees a number of payments, even if the annuitant dies. If the annuitant passes away during the guaranteed period, a specified beneficiary will receive the rest of the payments. Alternatively, if the annuitant outlives the specified number of guaranteed payments, then

Elegance Killer Definition

Elegance Killer Definition

What Is a Category Killer? A category killer is a large retail chain superstore that dominates its product category and puts less productive and highly specialized merchants out of business. The original category killers proliferated during the 1980s and 1990s and generally excelled until the arrival of e-commerce, which paved the way for a new