Building Procedure Indicators Definition

Building Procedure Indicators Definition

What Are Building Activity Indicators? Building activity indicators are economic reports or indexes that provide analysts and investors with information about the present and projected level of demand for residential, commercial, and industrial construction. Commercial and industrial building activity includes the construction of hotels, office buildings, multi-family residences, schools, hospitals, and other institutional buildings. Residential

Construction And Personal Belongings Coverage Form Definition

Construction And Personal Belongings Coverage Form Definition

What Is Building and Personal Property Coverage Form? Building and personal property coverage form is a type of commercial insurance policy designed to cover direct physical damage or loss to commercial property and its contents. This type of insurance defines specifically what property is covered—such as buildings and personal property, what property is not covered—such

What Is Bulge Bracket?

What Is Bulge Bracket?

What Is Bulge Bracket? “Bulge bracket” is a slang term that describes the company or companies in an underwriting syndicate that issued the largest number of securities on a new issue. The bulge bracket is usually the first group listed on the tombstone—a print advertisement of a new issue. Bulge bracket is also a catchall

Bull/Go through Ratio Definition

Bull/Go through Ratio Definition

What Is Bull/Bear Ratio? he bull/bear ratio (sometimes known as the bull-bear spread) is a market-sentiment indicator published weekly by the financial data provider Investors Intelligence, which uses information polled directly from market professionals. Information is taken from investment advisors who work directly with the general investing public to help them with financial planning and