Buck the Trend Definition

Buck the Trend Definition

What Is “Buck the Trend”? “Buck the trend” is a colloquialism that refers to when a security’s price moves in the opposite direction to the broad market. Key Takeaways Buck the trend is a colloquialism that refers to when a security’s price moves in the opposite direction to the broad market.In technical analysis, bucking the

Buffer Layer Definition

Buffer Layer Definition

What Is a Buffer Layer? The term buffer layer refers to insurance coverage that fills the gap between a primary insurance policy and excess protection. Buffer layers are used by insured parties to mitigate the costs associated with insurance payouts for large, complicated risks. Buffer layers are commonly used as liability coverage but can also

Buffett Rule Definition

Buffett Rule Definition

What Is the Buffett Rule? The “Buffett Rule” was part of the tax plan proposed by President Barack Obama in 2011. It was a fair share tax and got its name from billionaire investor Warren Buffett who famously stated that it was wrong that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. Key Takeaways