Bounty Methods Definition

Bounty Methods Definition

What Are Bounty Programs? Bounty programs are incentives offered to an array of participants for various activities associated with an initial coin offering (ICO). An initial coin offering (ICO) is the cryptocurrency industry’s version of an initial public offering (IPO). A company looking to raise money to create a new coin, application, or virtual currency service

Bourse Definition

Bourse Definition

What Is a Bourse? The term bourse refers to the French word for the stock exchange. A bourse was traditionally organized as a place to buy and sell securities, commodities, options, and other investments. The word is commonly used in Europe where it is used to describe the Paris Stock Exchange and other Euronext exchanges

Bracket Creep Definition

Bracket Creep Definition

What Is Bracket Creep? Bracket creep is a situation where inflation pushes income into higher tax brackets. The result is an increase in income taxes but no increase in real purchasing power. This is a problem during periods of high inflation, as income tax codes typically take longer to change than the rate of inflation.

Brady Bonds Definition

Brady Bonds Definition

What Are Brady Bonds? Brady bonds are sovereign debt securities, denominated in U.S. dollars (USD), issued by developing countries and backed by U.S. Treasury bonds. Throughout most of the 20th century, governments of emerging markets countries issued bonds only sporadically and on a limited basis, often due to currency and economic instability. In the late

Division Accounting Definition

Division Accounting Definition

What Is Branch Accounting? Branch accounting is a bookkeeping system in which separate accounts are maintained for each branch or operating location of an organization. Typically found in geographically dispersed corporations, multinationals, and chain operators, it allows for greater transparency in the transactions, cash flows, and overall financial position and performance of each branch. Branch