Blanket Insurance policy Definition, What It Covers, Who Needs It

Blanket Insurance policy Definition, What It Covers, Who Needs It

What is Blanket Insurance? Blanket insurance is a single property insurance policy that covers more than one type of property at the same location, the same kind of property at multiple locations, or multiple kinds or property at two or more locations. It covers personal possessions as well as the actual dwelling, “blanketing” all the homeowners’ possessions. How Blanket Insurance

Blackberries: Kitchen Basics – Harvest to Table

Blackberries: Kitchen Basics – Harvest to Table

Blackberry. Brambleberry, dewberry, boysenberry, loganberry, marionberry, olallieberry. Blackberry is the collective name for a large group of fruits in the same genus. Blackberries are also called brambles and brambleberries, particularly in England. The boysenberry, loganberry, marionberry, and ollalieberry are common names for popular blackberry varieties or hybrids ‘Boysen’, ‘Logan’, ‘Marion’, and ‘Olallie’. Dewberries are almost