Upper Variety Purchasing and promoting System (BATS): Definition, Acquisition

Upper Variety Purchasing and promoting System (BATS): Definition, Acquisition

What Is Bats Global Markets? Bats Global Markets was a U.S.-based exchange that listed several different types of investments, including equities, options, and foreign exchange. It was founded in 2005 and was acquired by Cboe Options Exchange (Cboe) in 2017. Prior to being acquired, Bats Global Market was one of the largest U.S. exchanges and well

Betterment Insurance plans Definition

Betterment Insurance plans Definition

What Is Betterment Insurance? Betterment insurance is supplemental coverage for additions or modifications made by a lessee to a space they lease. Such policies cover only improvements that increase the value of the property and do not include the structure itself. Betterment insurance policies typically cover improvements made to commercial properties. However, residential tenants could also purchase such a

Bond An similar Yield (BEY): Definition, Machine, and Example

Bond An similar Yield (BEY): Definition, Machine, and Example

What Is the Bond Equivalent Yield? In financial terms, the bond equivalent yield (BEY) is a metric that lets investors calculate the annual percentage yield for fixed-come securities, even if they are discounted short-term plays that only pay out on a monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual basis. However, by having BEY figures at their fingertips, investors

Bid Whacker Definition

Bid Whacker Definition

What Is a Bid Whacker? A bid whacker (or someone who “whacks the bid”) is slang for a trader or investor who sells securities at or below the current bid price. This may be seen as abnormal behavior, as sellers typically aim for a price somewhere in the middle of the bid-ask spread of a