Bid Deduct Definition

Bid Deduct Definition

What Is Bid Deduct? Bid deduct refers to when contractors’ bids for a project exclude the cost of providing workers’ compensation, general liability, and excess liability insurance because insurance is already provided by the owner of the project through an owner-controlled insurance program (CIP). The bid deduct methodology will reduce the amount a contractor bids

Bidder Definition

Bidder Definition

What Is a Bidder? In a market, a bidder is a party offering to buy an asset from a seller at a specific price. A bidder can be an individual or organization, and the potential purchase can be part of a multiparty transaction or an auction. In most cases, the party selling the asset chooses

Bidding Ring

Bidding Ring

What is a Bidding Ring A bidding ring is a group of individuals or businesses that collude to keep low the prices of assets for sale at auction by not bidding against each other. Bidding rings are a form of collusion to help each member obtain the best price to the exclusion of non-members. Members of a bidding ring

Bidding Fight Definition

Bidding Fight Definition

What Is a Bidding War? A bidding war refers to a circumstance in which two or more prospective property buyers compete for ownership through incrementally increasing bids. Often a bidding war occurs in real estate when housing stock is low in a popular location. Key Takeaways A bidding war occurs when two or more entities

Bifurcation Definition

Bifurcation Definition

What Is Bifurcation? Bifurcation is the splitting of a larger whole or main body into two smaller and separate units. Bifurcation can occur when one company divides into two separate divisions, thereby creating two new companies that can each sell or issue shares to stockholders. Companies may seek bifurcation for certain tax advantages. How Bifurcation

Massive Board

Massive Board

What Is the Big Board? The “Big Board” is a nickname for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), located at 11 Wall Street, New York City, New York. The New York Stock Exchange, or Big Board, is the oldest stock exchange in the United States.  Key Takeaways The “Big Board” is a slang term used