Sector Breakdown Definition and Stock Market Use

Sector Breakdown Definition and Stock Market Use

What Is a Sector Breakdown? A sector breakdown is the mix of sectors within a fund or portfolio, typically expressed as a portfolio percentage. Sector designations can vary depending on the fund’s investment criteria and overall objective. Key Takeaways The sector breakdown of a portfolio shows how much asset weights are allocated to what industry sectors.Sectors typically

Sector Fund Definition

Sector Fund Definition

What Is a Sector Fund? A sector fund is an investment fund that invests solely in businesses that operate in a particular industry or sector of the economy. Sector funds are commonly structured as mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs). Key Takeaways A sector fund is an investment fund that invests in one type

What It Method in Stock Investing, With Examples

What It Method in Stock Investing, With Examples

What Is Secular? In finance, secular is a descriptive word used to refer to market activities that occur over the long term. Secular can also point to specific stocks or stock sectors unaffected by short-term trends. Secular trends are not seasonal or cyclical. Instead, they remain consistent over time. Key Takeaways Secular refers to market activities that unfold over

Secured Debt Definition

Secured Debt Definition

What Is Secured Debt? Secured debt is debt backed or secured by collateral to reduce the risk associated with lending. If the borrower on a loan defaults on repayment, the bank seizes the collateral, sells it, and uses the proceeds to pay back the debt. Assets backing debt or a debt instrument are considered as