Audit Cycle Definition

Audit Cycle Definition

What Is an Audit Cycle? An audit cycle is the accounting process that auditors employ in the review of a company’s financial statements and related information. An audit cycle includes the steps that an auditor takes to ensure that the company’s financial information is valid. The audit cycle can call for different tasks to be

Auditing Requirements Board (ASB) Definition

Auditing Requirements Board (ASB) Definition

What Is the Auditing Standards Board (ASB)? The Auditing Standards Board (ASB) issues guidelines and rule pronouncements that certified public accountants (CPAs) must adhere to in audits and attestations. Part of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AIPCA), the Auditing Standards Board’s (ASB) mission is to serve the public interest by developing, updating, and communicating comprehensive standards and practice guidance

Audit Possibility Type: Clarification of Possibility Assesment

Audit Possibility Type: Clarification of Possibility Assesment

What Is an Auditor’s Report? An auditor’s report is a written letter from the auditor containing their opinion on whether a company’s financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and are free from material misstatement. The independent and external audit report is typically published with the company’s annual report. The auditor’s report is