SEC Form S-11

SEC Form S-11

What Is SEC Form S-11? SEC Form S-11 is a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that is used to register securities for real estate investment trusts (REITs). The business of REITs is to acquire, hold, and often manage real estate for the purpose of investment income and capital appreciation. Modeled after mutual

SEC Form S-2 Definition

SEC Form S-2 Definition

What Was SEC Form S-2? The Securities and Exchange Commission Form S-2 was a regulatory form of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that served as a simplified registration for the offering of new securities. An SEC filing is a financial statement or other formal document submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The form was phased out

Definition, Parts, When to Use It, and The best way to Record

Definition, Parts, When to Use It, and The best way to Record

What Is SEC Form S-3? Form S-3 is a simplified security registration form utilized by businesses that have already met other reporting requirements. The form registers securities with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933 for U.S.-based companies only. Companies looking to use the S-3 must have satisfied all reporting requirements of the Securities

SEC Form S-6 Definition

SEC Form S-6 Definition

What Is SEC Form S-6? SEC Form S-6 is an initial registration statement filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which unit investment trusts (UITs) use to register securities they issue. A unit investment trust is a type of investment company that offers a fixed portfolio, generally of stocks and bonds, as redeemable units to

SEC Form SB-2 Definition

SEC Form SB-2 Definition

What Was SEC Form SB-2? The term SEC Form SB-2 was a regulatory filing that was required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for small businesses with revenues and public market floats of less than $25 million. The form was used to register securities to be sold for cash. Small businesses were required to

SEC Form T-3

SEC Form T-3

What Is SEC Form T-3? SEC Form T-3 is an application for the qualification of an indenture that must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). SEC Form T-3 is needed for compliance with the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, which applies to debt securities such as bonds, debentures, and notes that are

SEC Form TA-1

SEC Form TA-1

What Is Form TA-1? SEC Form TA-1 is a form used to officially apply for or amend registration as a transfer agent. A transfer agent is a trust company, bank, or similar financial institution assigned by a corporation for the purposes of maintaining all of its shareholders’ financial records and tracking each investor’s stock balance. Key

SEC Form U-3A-2 Definition

SEC Form U-3A-2 Definition

What Was SEC Form U-3A-2? The now-obsolete SEC Form U-3A-2 was required to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by any holding company that wanted to buy or merge with a utility company, and thus sought an exemption from the Public Utilities Company Holding Act (PUHCA) of 1935. Key Takeaways Holding companies that