Airport Earnings Bond

Airport Earnings Bond

What Is an Airport Revenue Bond? An airport revenue bond is a type of municipal bond in which the operating revenue of an airport is used to secure the bond. A municipality or airport authority will issue an airport revenue bond, with the funds going toward improving, expanding or building a new airport. In some

Alaska Consider Act

Alaska Consider Act

What is the Alaska Trust Act The Alaska Trust Act provides protection against creditors for irrevocable trusts provided that the trust has a grantor who is a discretionary beneficiary. In order for the statute to be applicable, the following requirements must be met:   At least one of the trustees must reside in Alaska or have

Alfred Nobel Definition

Alfred Nobel Definition

Who Was Alfred Nobel? Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist. Nobel is also the man after whom the Nobel Prize is named. Nobel, born in 1833 in Stockholm, made a fortune in the explosives business. He patented the explosive nitroglycerin, founded several companies, and patented dynamite and gelignite, among

What an Set of rules Is and Implications for Buying and selling

What an Set of rules Is and Implications for Buying and selling

What Is an Algorithm? An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task. One common example of an algorithm is a recipe, which consists of specific instructions for preparing a dish or meal. Every computerized device uses algorithms to perform its functions in the form of hardware- or software-based routines. In