Moderate Listed Per month Income (AIME)

Moderate Listed Per month Income (AIME)

What Are Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME)? Average indexed monthly earnings (AIME) are used to calculate the primary insurance amount (PIA), which is used to determine an individual’s Social Security benefits. AIME works by taking into consideration the 35 years that represent an individual’s top earnings. Those top-earning years are then indexed to factor in wage growth and

Aged Assets Definition

Aged Assets Definition

What Are Aged Assets? Aged assets are goods that have outlived their usefulness and require upgrades. Aged assets have nothing to do with the aging of receivables. Those searching for a way to incorporate the aging of machines and other items into their financial statements should look into the depreciation of assets instead. Key Takeaways

Corporate Debenture Definition

Corporate Debenture Definition

What Is an Agency Debenture? An agency debenture is debt (bonds) issued at a fixed, or variable, interest rate by a United States federal agency or a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE), for the purposes of procuring funds to finance their activities, which usually entails purchasing mortgages from various lenders. Key Takeaways Agency debentures are debt, or