Tax-Identical Yield Outlined: Definition, Calculation, Examples

Tax-Identical Yield Outlined: Definition, Calculation, Examples

What Is the Tax-Equivalent Yield? The tax-equivalent yield is the return that a taxable bond would need to equal the yield on a comparable tax-exempt municipal bond. The calculation is a tool that investors can use to compare the returns between a tax-free investment and a taxable alternative. Key Takeaways The tax-equivalent yield is the return that a taxable bond

Types, Who Will pay, and Why

Types, Who Will pay, and Why

Investopedia / Joules Garcia What Are Taxes? Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity—whether local, regional, or national. Tax revenues finance government activities, including public works and services such as roads and schools, or programs such as Social Security and Medicare. In economics, taxes fall on whoever pays the burden

Tax-Exempt Trade Paper Definition

Tax-Exempt Trade Paper Definition

What Is Tax-Exempt Commercial Paper? Tax-exempt commercial paper is short-term unsecured debt where the bondholder does not pay federal, state, or local taxes on the interest payments. Key Takeaways Tax-exempt commercial paper is short-term unsecured debt where the bondholder does not pay federal, state, or local taxes on the interest payments.Tax-exempt commercial paper is issued

Tax-Exempt Sector Definition

Tax-Exempt Sector Definition

What Is the Tax-Exempt Sector? The tax-exempt sector can refer to either a market niche comprising investment vehicles or nonprofit organizations that are exempt from federal taxes. The term is most often associated with a set of investments that pays tax-exempt interest or dividends. The sector includes bonds, notes, leases, bond funds, mutual funds, money

Definition, Calculation, and Have an effect on on Source of revenue

Definition, Calculation, and Have an effect on on Source of revenue

What Is a Tax Expense? A tax expense is a liability owed to federal, state/provincial, and/or municipal governments within a given period, typically over the course of a year. Tax expenses are calculated by multiplying the appropriate tax rate of an individual or business by the income received or generated before taxes, after factoring in

Tax-Free Definition

Tax-Free Definition

What Is Tax Free? Tax free refers to certain types of goods and financial securities (such as municipal bonds) that are not taxed. It also refers to earnings that are not taxed. The tax free status of these goods, investments, and income may incentivize individuals and business entities to increase spending or investing, resulting in

Tax Freedom Day

Tax Freedom Day

WHAT IS Tax Freedom Day Tax Freedom Day refers to the day an average American has theoretically earned enough money to pay off his or her total tax obligations for the year. The calculation used to determine this date assumes that everyone in the nation works for eight hours a day beginning January 1, and