Adjusted Guide Price Definition

Adjusted Guide Price Definition

What Is the Adjusted Book Value? Adjusted book value is the measure of a company’s valuation after liabilities—including off-balance sheet liabilities—and assets adjusted to reflect true fair market value. The potential downside of using adjusted book value is that a business could be worth more than its stated assets and liabilities because it fails to

Adjusted Income Definition

Adjusted Income Definition

What Are Adjusted Earnings? Adjusted earnings is a metric used in the insurance industry to evaluate financial performance. Adjusted earnings equals the sum of profits and increases in loss reserves, new business, deficiency reserves, deferred tax liabilities, and capital gains from the previous time period to the current time period. Adjusted earnings provides a measurement of

Definition, Formulation and The best way to Calculate

Definition, Formulation and The best way to Calculate

What Is Adjusted EBITDA? Adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) is a measure computed for a company that takes its earnings and adds back interest expenses, taxes, and depreciation charges, plus other adjustments to the metric. Standardizing EBITDA by removing anomalies means the resulting adjusted or normalized EBITDA is more accurately and easily comparable

Adjusted Web Price Definition

Adjusted Web Price Definition

What Is Adjusted Net Worth? Adjusted net worth calculates the value of an insurance company, using capital values, surplus values, and an estimated value for business on the company’s books. It starts with the estimated value for the business and adds unrealized capital gains, the capital surplus, and the voluntary reserves. Key Takeaways Adjusted net worth is a

Adjusted Underwriting Benefit Definition

Adjusted Underwriting Benefit Definition

What Is Adjusted Underwriting Profit? Adjusted underwriting profit is the profit that an insurance company earns after paying out insurance claims and expenses. Insurance companies earn revenue by underwriting new insurance policies and earning income on their financial investments. Subtracted from this revenue are expenses associated with running the business and payments on any claims that are made by