Administrative Accounting Definition

Administrative Accounting Definition

What Is Administrative Accounting? Administrative accounting handles and reports internal factors and figures that influence decision making, operational control, and managerial planning. An administrative accountant is usually responsible for accomplishing a company’s administrative goal. Tasked with managing and tracking incomings and outgoings, the duties of these professionals may extend to assisting companies with internal operational

When to Plant Onion Seeds

When to Plant Onion Seeds

Onions are easy to grow from seed, but you must start early. In the Northern Hemisphere, sow onion seeds indoors in January and February, outdoors in April or May. Onion bulb formation and daylight Onion bulb formation is influenced by the length of daylight and the hours of dark each day. So-called long-day onions form

When to Plant Corn Salad

When to Plant Corn Salad

Corn salad is also known as lamb’s lettuce and mache. Corn salad is an easy to grow green with a mild, nutty flavor and gentle texture. It can be lightly cooked like spinach or eaten raw with an oil vinaigrette. Corn salad is a low-growing, small-leaved, hardy annual. It rarely grows more than 4 inches