Account Aggregation Definition

Account Aggregation Definition

What is Account Aggregation? Account aggregation is a process in which data from many—or all—of an individual’s or household’s financial accounts are collected in one place. It is also referred to as financial data aggregation. For example, an online banking service may provide a home page on which account holders can see information from all

What Does an Accountant Do? Duties, Rules, Skills, and History

What Does an Accountant Do? Duties, Rules, Skills, and History

What Is an Accountant? The term accountant refers to a professional who performs accounting functions such as account analysis, auditing, or financial statement analysis. Accountants work with accounting firms or internal account departments with large companies. They may also set up their own, individual practices. After meeting state-specific educational and testing requirements, these professionals are

Accountants’ Index Definition

Accountants’ Index Definition

What Is the Accountants’ Index? The Accountants’ Index is a collection of articles, books, and other materials of interest to accounting professionals. The Index is released by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), which publishes new material on a quarterly and annual basis. The purpose of the Accountants’ Index is to keep accounting

What Is an Account Govt? Tasks, Required Talents

What Is an Account Govt? Tasks, Required Talents

What Is an Account Executive? An account executive is an employee who is primarily responsible for an ongoing business relationship with a client. Account executives are most commonly found in advertising, public relations, and financial services. In addition, technology companies that provide hardware and software support services assign account executives to significant customers. Key Takeaways