Regulations of Truthful Follow

Regulations of Truthful Follow

What are the Rules of Fair Practice The Rules of Fair Practice is a code of conduct for U.S. broker-dealers that requires loyalty to and fair dealing with customers. Developed by the National Association of Securities Dealers and now administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Rules of Fair Practice provide detailed guidelines

Figuring out Runoff Insurance policy and How It Works

Figuring out Runoff Insurance policy and How It Works

What Is Runoff Insurance? Runoff insurance is an insurance policy provision that covers claims made against companies that have been acquired, merged, or have ceased operations. Runoff insurance, also known as closeout insurance, is purchased by the company being acquired and indemnifies—exempts from liability—the acquiring company from lawsuits against the directors and officers of the acquired

Rogue Broker Definition

Rogue Broker Definition

What Is a Rogue Trader? A rogue trader is a trader who acts recklessly and independently of others, usually to the detriment of the institution that employs the trader and perhaps clients. Rogue traders typically play with high-risk investments that can produce huge losses or gains. Rogue traders, though, are only labeled as such if

Rolling EPS Definition

Rolling EPS Definition

What Is Rolling EPS? Rolling EPS gives an annual earnings per share (EPS) estimate by combining EPS from the past two quarters with estimated EPS from the next two quarters. It may be calculated with the following formula: Rolling EPS = (Net income from the previous two quarters + next two quarters – preferred dividends)