

What Is Repurposing? Repurposing is the use of something for a purpose other than its original intended use. Repurposing an item can be done by modifying it to fit a new use, or by using the item as is in a new way. The practice is not limited to physical items. It’s common to repurpose marketing

Required Cash Definition

Required Cash Definition

What Is Required Cash? Required cash is the total amount of funds that a buyer must deliver to close on a mortgage or to finalize a refinance of an existing property. The delivery of the required cash amount typically takes place at a title company or escrow office and will vary by state location and sale type. During closing, the participants will

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD): Definition and Calculation

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD): Definition and Calculation

What Is a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? A required minimum distribution (RMD) is the amount of money that must be withdrawn from an employer-sponsored retirement plan, traditional IRA, SEP, or SIMPLE individual retirement account (IRA) by owners and qualified retirement plan participants of retirement age. In 2023, the age at which you must begin taking RMDs

Required Yield Definition

Required Yield Definition

What Is Required Yield? Required yield is the required rate of return that a fixed-income investment must provide in order for that investment to be worthwhile. The required yield is determined by the market and it sets the precedent for how current bond issues will be priced. For example, if prevailing market interest rates are

Requisitioned Belongings

Requisitioned Belongings

What Is Requisitioned Property? Requisitioned property is property that is involuntarily seized by a governmental authority for any reason. Requisitioned property can be taken for a number of reasons relating to the furtherance of the public good. It can be of any type, including real estate, vehicles, machinery, office equipment, or even personal property. Key

Research Apply Definition

Research Apply Definition

What Is a Research Note? A research note is a statement from a brokerage firm or other investment advisory service discussing specific security, industry, market, or news item. Research notes are usually meant to contain time-sensitive information that applies to the current day’s trading session or some event in the near future. Research notes are