Radner Equilibrium Definition

Radner Equilibrium Definition

What is Radner Equilibrium? The Radner Equilibrium is an extension of Arrow-Debreu general equilibrium that explores the condition of competitive equilibrium under uncertainty to explain the real world existence of financial institutions and markets, such as money and stock exchanges. Radner Equilibrium was first introduced by American economist Roy Radner in a 1968 paper and

Who Is Rafael Miranda Robredo? What Is Endesa?

Who Is Rafael Miranda Robredo? What Is Endesa?

Rafael Miranda Robredo served as CEO of Endesa, one of Spain’s largest electric utilities. He led the company during Spain’s deregulation of the electricity sector. Key Takeaways Rafael Miranda Robredo is the former CEO of Spanish electric utility Endesa.After the deregulation of the electricity market sector, Robredo acquired other electric companies and expanded into Latin

Raider Definition

Raider Definition

What Is a Raider? A raider is an investor that seeks to squeeze out a quick profit from failing and undervalued companies. Armed with deep pockets and plenty of financial backing, they buy big enough stakes in these companies to give them significant voting rights and then use this influence to take new measures to

Research and Construction (R&D) Definition, Varieties, and Importance

Research and Construction (R&D) Definition, Varieties, and Importance

What Is Research and Development (R&D)? Research and development (R&D) includes activities that companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services. It is often the first stage in the development process. The goal is typically to take new products and services to market and add to the company’s bottom line. Key Takeaways R&D

Range Forward Contract Definition

Range Forward Contract Definition

What Is a Range Forward Contract? A range forward contract is a zero-cost forward contract that creates a range of exercise prices through two derivative market positions. A range forward contract is constructed so that it provides protection against adverse exchange rate movements while retaining some upside potential to capitalize on favorable currency fluctuations. Range Forward Contract Explained Range forward contracts