Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP): Definition and Rules

Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP): Definition and Rules

What Is a Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) A qualified institutional placement (QIP) is, at its core, a way for listed companies to raise capital without having to submit legal paperwork to market regulators. It is common in India and other Southeast Asian countries. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) created the rule to avoid the

What Is a Qualified Retirement Plan? Definition and a couple of Number one Varieties

What Is a Qualified Retirement Plan? Definition and a couple of Number one Varieties

What Is a Qualified Retirement Plan? A qualified retirement plan is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that meets the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, making it eligible for certain tax benefits. Those can include tax deductions for employer and employee contributions and tax-deferral of investment gains. Key Takeaways

Qualified Explicit Marketing consultant Agreement (QSR)

Qualified Explicit Marketing consultant Agreement (QSR)

What Is the Qualified Special Representative Agreement? The Qualified Special Representative Agreement (QSR) is an agreement between broker-dealers to clear trades without interacting with the NASDAQ ACT system. The QSR allows one broker-dealer to send trades directly to the National Securities Clearing Corporation on behalf of another broker-dealer. This method of clearing trades provides simpler

Quarter-To-Date (QTD): Definition, Uses, Analysis, Example

Quarter-To-Date (QTD): Definition, Uses, Analysis, Example

What Is Quarter-To-Date (QTD)? Quarter-to-date (QTD) is a time interval that captures all relevant company activity that occurred between the beginning of the current quarter and the point at which the data was gathered later in the quarter. Quarter-to-date information is typically gathered in situations when the entire quarterly period has not yet ended, and

Qtum Definition

Qtum Definition

What Is Qtum? Qtum is a cryptocurrency that combines Ethereum’s smart contract functionality with the security of Bitcoin’s unspent transaction output model (UTXO) to create a platform that is suitable for adoption by large organizations. Qtum was founded in 2016 by Patrick Dai, Jordan Earls, and Neil Mahl, and its initial coin offering (ICO) was held

Quadrix Definition

Quadrix Definition

What Is Quadrix? Quadrix is a stock rating system that uses over 90 variables in seven major categories to determine the value of a stock. The Quadrix system is produced and maintained by Horizon Publishing Company. The seven major categories are momentum, quality, value, financial strength, earnings estimates, performance, and reversion. The overall score for a