Processing Date

Processing Date

DEFINITION of Processing Date A processing date is the date (month, day and year) when a merchant’s bank processes a credit or debit card transaction that has been authorized between a merchant and a customer. Processing is a broad term that describes the multi-step process of transferring funds from a customer to a merchant whenever a

What Is Procurement?

What Is Procurement?

What Is Procurement? Procurement is the act of obtaining or purchasing goods or services, typically for business purposes. Procurement is most commonly associated with businesses because companies need to solicit services or purchase goods, usually on a relatively large scale. It can also include the overall procurement process, which is critically important for companies leading

Prime Rate Definition

Prime Rate Definition

What Is the Prime Rate? The term prime rate refers to the interest rate that commercial banks charge their most creditworthy customers. The Federal Reserve (Fed) sets the federal funds overnight rate which serves as the basis for the prime rate, which is the starting point for other interest rates. The prime rate (sometimes referred

What It Is, How It Works

What It Is, How It Works

What Is the Principal-Agent Relationship? The principal-agent relationship is an arrangement in which one entity legally appoints another to act on its behalf. In a principal-agent relationship, the agent acts on behalf of the principal and should not have a conflict of interest in carrying out the act. The relationship between the principal and the

Crucial Orders Definition

Crucial Orders Definition

What Is a Principal Order? The term principal order refers to an order in which a broker-dealer buys or sells for its own account as opposed to carrying out trades for the brokerage’s clients. Principal orders are done at the broker-dealer’s own risk. The broker-dealer must provide notification to the exchange where the trade. These