Sweet Crude Defined

Sweet Crude Defined

What Is Sweet Crude? Sweet crude refers to crude oil that is extracted that is found to contain very low amounts of sulfur. It is considered a valuable and efficient source of crude oil due to the fact that sulfur lowers the yield of various refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and even

Sweetheart Deal Definition

Sweetheart Deal Definition

What Is a Sweetheart Deal? A sweetheart deal is an agreement of any type that generally consists of one party presenting another party with a proposal so attractive and potentially lucrative that it is difficult to turn down. Sweetheart deals tend to be secretive in nature and controversial. In many cases, they can be unethical

Society for Global Interbank Financial Telecom. (SWIFT)

Society for Global Interbank Financial Telecom. (SWIFT)

What Is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)? Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) is a member-owned cooperative providing secure messaging for international transfers of money between participating banks. Started in 1973 by 239 banks from 15 countries, SWIFT began providing messaging services in 1977. Its SWIFTnet messaging system lets banks share

Swing Definition

Swing Definition

What Is a Swing? A swing can either refer to a type of trading strategy or a large fluctuation in the value of an asset, liability, or account that reverses a trend. This term commonly refers to a situation in which the price of an asset experiences a significant change over a relatively short period.