Definition, How It Works, Example

Definition, How It Works, Example

What Is a Stock Screener? A stock screener is a set of tools that allow investors to quickly sort through the myriad of available stocks and increasing exchange-traded funds according to the investor’s own criteria. Stock screeners are most typically available on brokerage trading platforms (usually free), but there are also some independent subscription-based stock

Stock Watcher Definition

Stock Watcher Definition

What Is a Stock Watcher? A stock watcher is a digital program that monitors trading activity on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Stock watchers track trades to identify patterns that indicate suspicious trading. Illegal trading can occur based on rumor, inside information, or illegal activities. Key Takeaways: Stock watchers are digital programs that monitor

Stopped Out Definition

Stopped Out Definition

What is Stopped Out? Stopped out is a term used in reference to the execution of a stop-loss order. Often times, the term stopped out is used when a trade creates a loss by reaching a user-defined trigger point where a market order is executed to protect the trader’s capital. This exit trade may be

STOCK Act Definition

STOCK Act Definition

What Is the STOCK Act? The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012, or STOCK Act, became law in the wake of media reports critical of stock trading by members of the U.S. Congress, notably during the 2008 global financial crisis and the legislative debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009-2010. The STOCK