Structural Pivot

Structural Pivot

What is a Structural Pivot A structural pivot is a price-bar formation common to technical analysis. It offers a market technician a real-time price signal of support and resistance. When a series of price bars reverse direction; it is considered a structural pivot (not a calculated pivot). The price bar has an open, high, low

Structural Unemployment: Definition, Causes, and Examples

Structural Unemployment: Definition, Causes, and Examples

What Is Structural Unemployment? Structural unemployment is a longer-lasting form of unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in an economy and exacerbated by extraneous factors such as technology, competition, and government policy. Structural unemployment occurs because workers lack the requisite job skills or live too far from regions where jobs are available and cannot move closer.

Structured Funds Definition

Structured Funds Definition

What Are Structured Funds? Structured funds are a type of fund that combines both equity and fixed-income products to provide investors with a degree of both capital protection and capital appreciation. These funds typically invest the majority of the portfolio in fixed-income securities to give the fund capital protection often with principal repayment and the

Structured Investment Products (SIPs): Definition and Examples

Structured Investment Products (SIPs): Definition and Examples

What Is a Structured Investment Products (SIPs)? Structured investment products, or SIPs, are types of investments that meet specific investor needs with a customized product mix. SIPs typically include the use of derivatives. They are often created by investment banks for hedge funds, organizations, or the retail client mass market. SIPs are distinct from a

Benefits, Examples of Structured Financing

Benefits, Examples of Structured Financing

What Is Structured Finance? Structured finance is a heavily involved financial instrument presented to large financial institutions or companies with complicated financing needs who are unsatisfied with conventional financial products. Since the mid-1980s, structured finance has become popular in the finance industry. Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), synthetic financial instruments, collateralized bond obligations (CBOs), and syndicated loans

Structured Repackaged Asset-Backed Imagine Protection (STRATS) Definition

Structured Repackaged Asset-Backed Imagine Protection (STRATS) Definition

What Is a Structured Repackaged Asset-Backed Trust Security (STRATS)? A structured repackaged asset-backed trust security (STRATS) is a derivative product that pays an income stream to the holder based upon a trust’s interest in an asset-backed security (ABS) and a related derivative product.  Key Takeaways A structured repackages asset-backed trust security (STRATS) is a securitized