Spring Loading Definition

Spring Loading Definition

What Is Spring Loading? Spring loading is an option-granting practice in which options are granted to employees at a time that precedes a positive news event. This is a controversial practice as it allows employees to potentially book instant profits after the news event. It is not illegal but it does bear a resemblance to

Squawk Box Definition

Squawk Box Definition

What Is a Squawk Box? A squawk box is a term used for an intercom speaker that a brokerage firm’s analysts or traders use on trading floors or desks. Squawk boxes can be found in investment banks, along with stock brokerages, and on exchange floors. A squawk box allows a firm’s analysts and traders to

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Definition

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Definition

What Is a Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)? Socially responsible investing (SRI), also known as social investment, is an investment that is considered socially responsible due to the nature of the business the company conducts. A common theme for socially responsible investments is socially conscious investing. Socially responsible investments can be made into individual companies with

What It Is and How It Works

What It Is and How It Works

What Is the Social Security Administration (SSA)? The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a U.S. government agency that administers social programs covering disability, retirement, and survivors’ benefits, among other services. It is also responsible for issuing Social Security numbers and managing the program’s finances and trust fund. Key Takeaways The Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees

Purchasing and promoting With Most sensible Risks, Most sensible Potential Rewards

Purchasing and promoting With Most sensible Risks, Most sensible Potential Rewards

What is Speculation? In the world of finance, speculation, or speculative trading, refers to the act of conducting a financial transaction that has substantial risk of losing value but also holds the expectation of a significant gain or other major value. With speculation, the risk of loss is more than offset by the possibility of