What Is Social Capital? Definition, Types, and Examples

What Is Social Capital? Definition, Types, and Examples

What Is Social Capital? The term social capital refers to a positive product of human interaction. The positive outcome may be tangible or intangible and may include favors, useful information, innovative ideas, and future opportunities. Social capital is not held by an individual, but instead appears in the potential between social network connections between individuals. It

Social Business: Definition, Tactics, and Examples

Social Business: Definition, Tactics, and Examples

What Is Social Commerce? Social commerce uses networking websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as vehicles to promote and sell products and services. A social commerce campaign’s success is measured by the degree to which consumers interact with the company’s marketing through retweets, likes, and shares. Key Takeaways Social commerce promotes products and services

Social Economics Definition

Social Economics Definition

What Is Social Economics? Social economics is a social science and a branch of economics that focuses on the relationship between social behavior and economics. Social economics is also referred to as socioeconomics. Social economics is primarily concerned with the interplay between social processes and economic activity within a society. Social economics may attempt to explain

Allen Stanford Biography

Allen Stanford Biography

Who Is Allen Stanford? Robert Allen Stanford, who goes by Allen Stanford, is an American/Antiguan former banker that was convicted in 2012 of a Ponzi scheme following an investigation for securities fraud in excess of $7 billion. It was revealed that Allen Stanford had grossly misinformed his 50,000 investors about the level of professional management

Mentioned Income / Mentioned Asset Mortgage (SISA) Definition

Mentioned Income / Mentioned Asset Mortgage (SISA) Definition

What Is Stated Income / Stated Asset Mortgage (SISA)? A stated income-stated asset mortgage (SISA) loan application allows the borrower to declare their income without verification by the lender. These loans were designed to ease the application process for buyers who have incomes that are difficult to document, such as the self-employed and those who

SIT (Slovenian Tolar)

SIT (Slovenian Tolar)

What Was the Slovenian Tolar (SIT)? SIT was the currency abbreviation for the Slovenian tolar, the official currency of Slovenia from October 1991 until December 2006. Slovenia joined the European Union (EU) in May 2004, and in January 2007 the country adopted the euro as legal tender. Key Takeaways The tolar was the national currency

Definition and How To Whole It

Definition and How To Whole It

What Is Six Sigma Certification? Six Sigma certification is a verification of an individual’s command of a well-regarded quality assurance method. Certifications for Six Sigma training are awarded in levels using a belt classification system similar to belt levels used in martial arts. Six Sigma is a set of quality management techniques and tools developed