Shadow Inventory

Shadow Inventory

What Is Shadow Inventory? Shadow inventory refers to uninhabited or soon-to-be-uninhabited real estate that has yet to be put on the market. It is most often used to account for those properties that are in the process of foreclosure but that have not yet been sold. It also encompasses homes that owners are waiting to put

Shadow Market Definition

Shadow Market Definition

What Is a Shadow Market? A shadow market is an unregulated (or less regulated) private market where goods and services are exchanged with little or no oversight.     Key Takeaways A shadow market is an unregulated (or less regulated) private market where goods and services are exchanged.A shadow market could be as simple as a handshake

Shale Oil Definition

Shale Oil Definition

What Is Shale Oil? Shale oil is a type of unconventional oil found in shale formations that must be hydraulically fractured to extract the oil. Primary uses include heating oil, marine fuel, and the production of various chemicals. Shale oil can, in fact, refer to two types of oil: crude oil that is found within shale