Silver ETF Definition

Silver ETF Definition

What Is a Silver ETF? A silver exchange-traded fund (ETF) invests primarily in hard silver assets, which are held in trust by the fund manager or custodian. Established typically as grantor trusts, silver ETFs allow each share represented by the ETF the specific right to a particular quantity of silver, measured in ounces.​​​ Key Takeaways A

Silver Parachute Definition

Silver Parachute Definition

What Is a Silver Parachute? A silver parachute is a clause in a hiring contract outlining special compensation arrangements paid to specific employees when they leave a company or their position is made redundant or they are laid off. These types of clauses frequently come into effect following a merger, acquisition, or other change in

Definition, How They Art work, and Examples

Definition, How They Art work, and Examples

What Are Short-Term Investments? Short-term investments, also known as marketable securities or temporary investments, are financial investments that can easily be converted to cash, typically within five years. Many short-term investments are sold or converted to cash after a period of only three-12 months. Some common examples of short-term investments include CDs, money market accounts

Shortfall Cover Definition

Shortfall Cover Definition

What Is a Shortfall Cover? In the insurance industry, “shortfall cover” refers to a type of reinsurance arrangement in which one party agrees to cover a specific gap in the existing insurance coverage of the other party.  The term can also refer to a type of consumer or individual insurance that covers a shortfall in

Fast-Form File Definition

Fast-Form File Definition

What Is a Short-Form Report? A short-form report is a brief summary of an audit that has been performed on a company’s financial statements. The report usually precedes a company’s summary balance sheet or financial statements when they are requested by another party. Key Takeaways A short-form report summarizes an audit that an auditor has