How it Works in Economics, Examples

How it Works in Economics, Examples

What Is Shock Therapy? In economics, shock therapy theorizes that sudden, dramatic changes in national economic policy can turn a state-controlled economy into a free-market economy. Shock therapy is intended to cure economic maladies—such as hyperinflation, shortages, and other effects of market controls—to jump-start economic production, reduce unemployment, and improve living standards. However, shock therapy can

Shoestring Definition

Shoestring Definition

What Is a Shoestring? The slang term “shoestring” often describes a small amount of money which may be an inadequate amount to fund the intended purpose of its use in full. The budgeting process is where the term will most frequently appear, as in a “shoestring budget” or alternately as “on a shoestring.” Examples of

Shogun Bond Definition

Shogun Bond Definition

What is Shogun Bond? Shogun bond is a type of bond that is issued in Japan by foreign entities, including corporations, financial institutions and governments, and denominated in a currency other than yen. Key Takeaways A Shogun Bond is a bond issued in Japan by a foreign entity in a currency other than the yen.Foreign currency

Fast Refinance Definition

Fast Refinance Definition

What Is a Short Refinance? Short refinance is a financial term that refers to the refinancing of a mortgage by a lender for a borrower currently in default on their mortgage payments. Lenders short refinance a mortgage in order to help a borrower avoid foreclosure. Typically, the new loan amount is less than the existing

What Is a Fast Title in Possible choices Purchasing and promoting, and How Does It Art work?

What Is a Fast Title in Possible choices Purchasing and promoting, and How Does It Art work?

What Is a Short Call? A short call is an options position taken as a trading strategy when a trader believes that the price of the asset underlying the option will drop. Therefore, it’s considered a bearish trading strategy. Short calls have limited profit potential and the theoretical risk of unlimited loss. They’re usually used