Basket Retention Definition

Basket Retention Definition

What Is Basket Retention? In the insurance industry, the term “basket retention” refers to an insurance policy that covers several types of risk at once. Oftentimes, these insurance policies are less expensive compared to purchasing individual insurance policies for each of the risks insured under the policy. Key Takeaways A basket retention insurance policy is

Batch Clause

Batch Clause

What Is a Batch Clause? Batch Clause is a policy provision of product liability insurance that limits coverage to claims stemming from defective products from a specific production cycle. A batch clause thus only covers items produced during a specific production run over a specific time period, referred to as a “batch”. Understanding Batch Clause

Batch-Stage Actions Definition

Batch-Stage Actions Definition

What Are Batch-Level Activities? Batch-level activities are work actions that are classified within an activity-based costing accounting system, often used by production companies. Batch-level activities are related to costs that are incurred whenever a batch of a certain product is produced. However, these costs are accounted for regardless of the related production run’s size. Examples

Batting Moderate Definition

Batting Moderate Definition

What Is Batting Average? The term batting average refers to a statistical technique used to measure an investment manager’s ability to meet or beat an index. The higher the batting average, the better. The highest number possible average would be 100% while the lowest is 0%. The term comes from baseball where players are ranked

BATX Shares

BATX Shares

What Are BATX Stocks? BATX is an acronym for four very popular Chinese technology stocks: Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and Xiaomi. The term came into existence much like that of the FAANG stocks acronym—the acronym for five of the top U.S. technology stocks: Meta (formerly Facebook), Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Alphabet’s Google. BATX was coined around the time when the

What Is a Bar Graph?

What Is a Bar Graph?

What Is a Bar Graph? A bar graph is a graphical representation of information. It uses bars that extend to different heights to depict value. Bar graphs can be created with vertical bars, horizontal bars, grouped bars (multiple bars that compare values in a category), or stacked bars (bars containing multiple types of information). Bar

Barometer Stock Definition

Barometer Stock Definition

What Is a Barometer Stock? A barometer stock—also called a bellwether stock—is a security whose performance is considered to be an indicator of the performance of its particular sector or industry, or the market as a whole. Key Takeaways A barometer stock is used as a proxy for the performance of a sector, industry, or