Balloon Possibility Definition

Balloon Possibility Definition

What Is a Balloon Option? A balloon option is a contract where the strike price increases significantly after the underlying asset’s price reaches a predetermined threshold. A balloon option increases the investor’s leverage on the underlying asset. Key Takeaways A balloon option is an option contract in which the strike price increases after the price

Ballpark Determine Definition

Ballpark Determine Definition

What Is a Ballpark Figure? A ballpark figure is a rough numerical estimate or approximation of the value of something that is otherwise unknown. Ballpark figures are commonly used by accountants, salespersons, and other professionals to estimate current or future results. A stockbroker could use a ballpark figure to estimate how much money a client

Bananacoin (BCO) Definition

Bananacoin (BCO) Definition

What Was Bananacoin (BCO)? Bananacoin (BCO) was an Ethereum token offered for sale via an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017. The project was led by a team of Russian entrepreneurs who wanted to raise funds to expand an environmentally friendly plantation in Vientiane province, Laos. The developers set out to use the capabilities of

Bancor Definition

Bancor Definition

What Is Bancor? Bancor is a blockchain protocol that allows users to convert different virtual currency tokens directly and instantly instead of exchanging them on cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase. BNT is the Bancor Network Token, which is the primary token used within the Bancor network. As of September 2021, BNT is the 98th most valuable

Bandwidth Definition

Bandwidth Definition

What Is Bandwidth? Bandwidth is the data transfer capacity of a network in bits per second (Bps). The term may also be used colloquially to indicate a person’s capacity for tasks or deep thoughts at a point in time. Key Takeaways Bandwidth is a measure of how much information a network can transfer.The volume of