Senior Stretch Loan Definition

Senior Stretch Loan Definition

What is a Senior Stretch Loan? A senior stretch loan is a type of hybrid loan structure offered primarily to middle-market companies to finance leveraged buyouts (LBOs). Similar to “unitranche” financing, the senior stretch loan combines senior debt and junior (or subordinated debt) into one package, typically at a lower average cost to the borrower

Seed Stock Definition

Seed Stock Definition

What Is a Seed Stock? Seed stock refers to stocks issued by publicly traded companies that operate within the agriculture industry. These companies specialize in plant research and development (R&D). Most R&D has the aim of producing higher yields from crops. Companies may develop and market specialized seeds, which have been engineered to withstand certain conditions

See-By way of Believe

See-By way of Believe

What Is a See-Through Trust? A see-through trust is a vehicle through which individuals may pass retirement assets from their individual retirement accounts (IRAs), via a trust, to their chosen beneficiaries. See-through trusts let IRA owners choose who will be the beneficiaries of the account after the owner is deceased. But very specific limitations and