Asset Combine Definition

Asset Combine Definition

What Is Asset Mix? The asset mix is the breakdown of all assets within a fund or portfolio. Broadly, assets can be assigned to one of the core asset classes: stocks, bonds, cash, and real estate. Within that, assets can be mixed even further. An asset mix breakdown helps investors understand the composition of a

Asset Clarification Definition

Asset Clarification Definition

What Is Asset Rationalization? Asset rationalization is the process of reorganizing a company’s resources of economic value to improve operating efficiencies and boost its bottom line.  Asset rationalization may involve many activities, including sales or divestitures of certain assets, closures of some facilities and expansion of others, and streamlining of manufacturing or other operations. In the majority

Asset Redeployment Definition

Asset Redeployment Definition

What Is Asset Redeployment? Asset redeployment is the strategic reallocation of assets from a less profitable use to a more profitable use. When companies redeploy assets, they take idle or underutilized capital and change how this capital is used in order to increase profitability. A proper asset redeployment strategy can allow a firm to achieve

How This Lending Type Works

How This Lending Type Works

In accounting, an asset retirement obligation (ARO) describes a legal obligation associated with the retirement of a tangible, long-lived asset, where a company will be responsible for removing equipment or cleaning up hazardous materials at some future date. AROs should be included in a company’s financial statement to present a more accurate and holistic snapshot

Asset Stripping Definition

Asset Stripping Definition

What Is Asset Stripping? Asset stripping is the process of buying an undervalued company with the intent of selling off its assets to generate a profit for shareholders. The individual assets of the company, such as its equipment, real estate, brands, or intellectual property, may be more valuable than the company as a whole due

Property Beneath Management (AUA): Definition and Comparable Charges

Property Beneath Management (AUA): Definition and Comparable Charges

What Are Assets Under Administration (AUA)? Assets under administration (AUA) is a measure of the total assets for which a financial institution provides administrative services and charges a fee for doing so. Assets under administration are beneficially owned and managed by clients who contract with a third-party administration provider. AUA differs from assets under management (AUM)