SEC Form SB-2 Definition

SEC Form SB-2 Definition

What Was SEC Form SB-2? The term SEC Form SB-2 was a regulatory filing that was required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for small businesses with revenues and public market floats of less than $25 million. The form was used to register securities to be sold for cash. Small businesses were required to

SEC Form T-3

SEC Form T-3

What Is SEC Form T-3? SEC Form T-3 is an application for the qualification of an indenture that must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). SEC Form T-3 is needed for compliance with the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, which applies to debt securities such as bonds, debentures, and notes that are

SEC Form TA-1

SEC Form TA-1

What Is Form TA-1? SEC Form TA-1 is a form used to officially apply for or amend registration as a transfer agent. A transfer agent is a trust company, bank, or similar financial institution assigned by a corporation for the purposes of maintaining all of its shareholders’ financial records and tracking each investor’s stock balance. Key

SEC Form U-3A-2 Definition

SEC Form U-3A-2 Definition

What Was SEC Form U-3A-2? The now-obsolete SEC Form U-3A-2 was required to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by any holding company that wanted to buy or merge with a utility company, and thus sought an exemption from the Public Utilities Company Holding Act (PUHCA) of 1935. Key Takeaways Holding companies that

SEC Form U-7D Definition

SEC Form U-7D Definition

What Is SEC Form U-7D? SEC form U-7D is a document that must be filed when a utility holding company leases a utility facility to an operating public utility company. It is a required filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Key Takeaways SEC Form U-7D must be filed after the execution of any

SEC Form X-17A-5

SEC Form X-17A-5

What is SEC Form X-17A-5 SEC Form X-17A-5 is a financial reporting form that all broker-dealers who are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) must complete. This form consists of three parts and contains an annual audit that must be performed by a certified public accountant (CPA). Breaking Down SEC Form X-17A-5 SEC Form X-17A-5 must be

Secondary Mortgage Market: Definition, Function, and Example

Secondary Mortgage Market: Definition, Function, and Example

What Is the Secondary Mortgage Market? The secondary mortgage market is a marketplace where home loans and servicing rights are bought and sold between lenders and investors. A large percentage of newly originated mortgages are sold by the lenders who issue them into this secondary market, where they are packaged into mortgage-backed securities and sold