Cucumber Beetle Herbal Insect Pest Keep watch over

Cucumber Beetle Herbal Insect Pest Keep watch over

Spotted cucumber beetle The cucumber beetle is an oblong greenish-yellow beetle with black spots or stripes on its wing covers. The cucumber beetle is about ¼ inch long. Cucumber beetles feed mainly on members of the cucurbit family—cucumbers, melons, and squashes—and also asparagus, early beans, corn, eggplant, peas, potatoes, and tomatoes. They attack seedlings feeding

Pesticides for Organically Grown Greens and End result

Pesticides for Organically Grown Greens and End result

Caterpillar damage to cabbage Insecticides are substances used to control insect pests. There are insecticides derived from plants, animals, and natural mineral sources, and there are pesticides derived from synthetically produced chemicals. Naturally derived pesticides are often accepted for use on or around organically grown vegetables and fruits. Synthetically produced insecticides are not used in