Be informed  Increase Spinach

Be informed Increase Spinach

Spinach is a cool-weather crop that grows best when the daytime temperature remains consistently below 75°F–commonly in spring or fall. Young plants will bolt when exposed to temperatures below 40°F, but mature plants can withstand temperatures as low as 20°F. Spinach is ready for picking in about 40 days; for a continuous harvest, sow spinach

Emerging Sweet Corn

Emerging Sweet Corn

Grow corn in the warm time of the year. Direct sow corn after all danger of frost has passed. Make succession sowings for a continuous harvest throughout the growing season. Three types of sweet corn Corn growing starts with deciding which type of corn to plant: standard, sugar-enhanced, or super-sweet. Standard sweet corn varieties (sometimes

Soil Trying out Basics

Soil Trying out Basics

A soil test will tell you if the soil in your garden is rich or poor in minerals and nutrients/ Plants depend upon soil nutrients and moisture for growth. If the soil in your garden lacks nutrients, plants will grow poorly or die. The relative acidity or alkalinity affects how soil nutrients become available to

Kale Seed Planting

Kale Seed Planting

Kale grows best in the cool weather of spring and fall. Mature kale plants can tolerate temperatures as low as 10 to 20°F (-12 to -7°C). Time kale seed sowing so that plants come to harvest before very warm and hot weather; hot weather will trigger bolting and seed-stalk formation. Bolting can be slowed by

Starting Leeks From Seed

Starting Leeks From Seed

Leek seedlings Leeks are a cool- and cold-season crop. There are two types of leeks: short-season leeks and long-season leeks. Long-season leeks which have thick, cylindrical stems–and keep long, and short-season leeks that have a thinner stem and don’t keep as well as long-season leeks. Short-season leeks mature in as few as 70 days. Long-season