Emerging Eggplant in Your Garden

Emerging Eggplant in Your Garden

Eggplant Growing: Grow eggplant when days are warm; plant in compost rich well-drained soil. Aubergine or eggplant? You’ll find this vegetable under either name in cookbooks. Eggplant is the name used by most American speakers. Aubergine is chiefly a British usage. Eggplant was the name originally given to the white-skinned, egg-shaped variety of the vegetable

Colorado Potato Beetle Controls – Harvest to Table

Colorado Potato Beetle Controls – Harvest to Table

Colorado potato beetle The Colorado potato beetle attacks potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes skeletonizing leaves and defoliating plants. Horticultural cloth draped over plants will exclude beetles from reaching plants to lay eggs and feed, diatomaceous earth will destroy larvae, and the botanical poisons pyrethrum and rotenone can kill heavy infestations of adult beetles. However, where