One of the best ways to Cook dinner dinner and Serve Celeriac

One of the best ways to Cook dinner dinner and Serve Celeriac

Celeriac can be served cooked or raw. Celeriac combines the sweet taste of the mildest celery with the light peppery zip of parsley. Celeriac—which is also known as celery root, celery knobs, and turnip-rooted celery—is a cool-weather vegetable that comes to harvest between late fall and early spring. How to Choose Celeriac Select large, smooth

Recommendations on the right way to Get ready dinner and Serve Fava Beans

Recommendations on the right way to Get ready dinner and Serve Fava Beans

Salad with steamed fava beans tomatoes and red onion. The fava bean—which is also known as the broad bean, English bean, Windsor bean, and horsebean–can be eaten fresh or dried. As fava beans mature, their flavor grows increasingly starchy and strong. The smallest beans—less than the size of a small fingernail—are the sweetest. The outer