Corn Rising Issues and Answers

Corn Rising Issues and Answers

To come to harvest quickly corn requires warm temperatures, rich soil, and even, regular watering. Corn is wind-pollinated so planting in blocks or multiple rows to ensure pollination is important. To come to harvest quickly corn requires warm temperatures, rich soil, and even, regular watering. Corn is wind-pollinated so planting in blocks or multiple rows

Mulch: Sizzling Local weather Vegetable Garden Protection

Mulch: Sizzling Local weather Vegetable Garden Protection

Pine needle mulch around a seedling Mulch reduces evaporation from the soil surface, moderates soil temperature, and insulates roots from summer heat (and winter cold). Mulch suppresses weeds, reduces soil compaction, prevents erosion, and adds organic matter to the soil. Mulch is any material that protects the soil surface and allows air and water through.

Bean Emerging Tips

Bean Emerging Tips

Beans growing begins when temperatures reaches 60°F–about two weeks after the last frost. Snap beans are eaten as a green pod. Pole beans climb, but can also be snap beans. Shelly beans are beans that have begun to mature–the green maturing seeds are harvested young and cooked like fresh peas. Dry beans have matured and